Friday, February 27, 2009

I made a sudoku puzzle!

So, I tried my hand at creating a sudoku puzzle. This should be pretty easy!

The solution!

MOHOS #1: Coming Out!

The first comic of Mohos has premiered in the school newspaper. This was it!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009


Hello. My name is Cookie Bonecrusher, and I'm an incorrigible trouble maker. I'm a senior with good grades and a double major at my ultra liberal private college; this is my last semester. So, let's see how close I can get to being kicked out this close to graduation!

So, I'm currently gathering up all of my ideas on how to walk the line between playful mischief and open mockery.

Current projects include a comic strip to run in TEH SKOOL PAPAH (premiering this next week) and an onslaught of pranks for April 1rst (so far over 30, unless my crack team of prank-artists decides they want to sleep in on that morning).

I'll act on more really bad ideas as they come up. After all, the way to have an awesome life is to pause when you have a really bad idea. Ask yourself: "Is it feasible?" But define feasible as "physically possible and generally legal." If the laws of science and man allow your bad idea, laws of money and convince should fall by the wayside. It might be painful in the now, but it will prevent you and your life from longterm suckage.

And frankly, with the economy this bad and the world in such a mess, we need all the laughs we can get. And it's not like we have jobs getting in the way of shenanigans! (Speaking of, note to all employers: hire me. THIS is what happens when my hands are idle; you can prevent it! Unless you want to hire a mischiefy type, in which case hire me!).

And now, back to doing impressions of Richard Nixon saying: "The Joker cannot get pregnant."