Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools Day!

Success! The campus is now covered with my silly little April Fools Day jokes. My camera crapped out, but luckily a bunch of my fellow pranksters had cameras, so I will be able to post pictures later.

Had some funny encounters with PubSafe and Facilities Management, primarily about the gate. Everyone we dealt with was really cool (just finding out what was going on) and helpful at securing actual permission after the fact. I'll have to make nice "Thank You" cards for them. But, yes, I haven't been kicked out yet!

Also, I owe a major thank you to a few different people:

S, my fiance, is always the most helpful amazing person ever.
A, for leading one of the teams.
C, for the art.
K, last but definitely not least. K really pulled through on so many different levels and was a major day-saver on multiple levels. I owe her something really shiny.

So, the current prank count is as follows--
My Team: We hung evil eyes above the gate, so driving into the school is driving into a monster mouth. We put caution tape around the college founder's grave's fence, and put up zombie warning signs. We hung a rapunzel out of a fourth floor window. And we posted protest signs for the horses in the barn.
A's Team: Posted Troll Bridge warning signs at every bridge, made a computer lab's glass wall an aquarium, posted do not use signs on almost every dorm front door, and put an inflatable alligator into the reflection pond.

Now, all that's left is tonight's clean up.

I look forward to sleeping. I kind of forgot to last night, with all of the prank work I had to do...

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