Monday, April 6, 2009

Dreams and Things

So, pictures from April 1 will be assembled as soon as I chip away some stuff from my mountain of responsibilities and obligations.

In the mean time, here is a dream I had last night:

I dreamed I got called into a corporate office with a bunch of really smart/talented/promising about-to-graduate types for a job recruitment that we had all already been selected for. A very well dressed, well spoken man told us that we would have all of the money, power, happiness we could ever want if we accepted this job working for this new religion.

Knowing this man was Satan, I asked, "Do we really have a choice? Can we actually say no?"

And Satan was all, "No."

So I was like, "Well, how about THIS!" and I started saying the Lord's Prayer (Our Father, who art in heaven, etc) but I forgot it after a few lines (yeah right, had it memorized for years). Then I tried a Hail Mary but forgot it also. So, I was like, "The hell with that! I'm peacing out, yo!" and I took off towards the exit. Some other people who didn't want to work for Satan followed me, and Satan chased us doing wonky magic shit--making stairways go to nowhere, sealing doors, etc. It was a real maze, but we did manage to escape.

Then we went to play dodge ball. My team was kicking ass and taking names, when all of the sudden the game was over and we had lost. It was because a group of girls we called The My Little Pony Girls (because they wore sparkly, bright pinks and purples and blues like a child in the 80s) had joined our side and had promptly managed to lose so hardcore that the game was called, despite us still having plenty people still in the game.

With the game over, it was time to go to the amusement park! I was walking with another girl who had rejected the job offer when Hitler in a red convertible pulled up next to us.

Hitler said, "Because you guys turned down the offer you won't be able to get into the amusement park." No German accent or anything, so we figured he was part-Hitler part-Satan.

"Screw you, Hitler!" I said. "I can go to the amusement park if I want to!"

Hitler kept driving along side us talking about how much fun we WEREN'T going to have because there would be no amusement park unless we agreed to the job offer. Finally, we got to the park he couldn't drive up to.

Once we got to the park, the guard wouldn't let us in because of a bureaucratic thingie that Hitler caused.

Moral of the Story: If Satan asks you to serve him and you say no, you can look forward to losing a game of dodgeball and having Hitler bar you from the amusement park.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools Day!

Success! The campus is now covered with my silly little April Fools Day jokes. My camera crapped out, but luckily a bunch of my fellow pranksters had cameras, so I will be able to post pictures later.

Had some funny encounters with PubSafe and Facilities Management, primarily about the gate. Everyone we dealt with was really cool (just finding out what was going on) and helpful at securing actual permission after the fact. I'll have to make nice "Thank You" cards for them. But, yes, I haven't been kicked out yet!

Also, I owe a major thank you to a few different people:

S, my fiance, is always the most helpful amazing person ever.
A, for leading one of the teams.
C, for the art.
K, last but definitely not least. K really pulled through on so many different levels and was a major day-saver on multiple levels. I owe her something really shiny.

So, the current prank count is as follows--
My Team: We hung evil eyes above the gate, so driving into the school is driving into a monster mouth. We put caution tape around the college founder's grave's fence, and put up zombie warning signs. We hung a rapunzel out of a fourth floor window. And we posted protest signs for the horses in the barn.
A's Team: Posted Troll Bridge warning signs at every bridge, made a computer lab's glass wall an aquarium, posted do not use signs on almost every dorm front door, and put an inflatable alligator into the reflection pond.

Now, all that's left is tonight's clean up.

I look forward to sleeping. I kind of forgot to last night, with all of the prank work I had to do...

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

All the schemes have been plotted
in my twisted brain with care
in hopes that April First
soon would be there.................

Friday, March 13, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Flu Season

In this most dreaded of all seasons, when plagues abound and roam freely over the icy plains, health is in danger. While friend after friend may succumb to the chill grip of icky-sicky bugs, I remain standing.

So, I'm here to share my health advice!



1) Eat Flinestones vitamin like they are candy. They wouldn't taste so good if you weren't supposed to eat a ton!

2) Rile up strangers on the internet by anonymously posting inflammatory comments. Not only is it good for the soul, but the positive rush it will give you encourages the growth of MEGA-CELL, which is the cell that not only kicks all sorts of illness and disease out, but also is known to show up in comic book characters to enable fast healing and lots of fighting.

3) Eat plenty of red meat. You get double points if you do this in front of vegetarians/vegans.

4) Sleep in class. Everyone knows that sleep counts double if it is daylight, and professors wouldn't have such soothing lullaby voices if they didn't want for you to nap.

5) If you start to get a little sick, tell yourself that A ZOMBIE OUTBREAK IS HAPPENING! Then, out of desire not to become a member of the shambling, decaying undead, your body will naturally force any illness out. It's a scientifically documented instinctive reaction.

Yes, these are why I enjoy perfect health!

On a side note, looks like my comic strip won't run in the paper this week :-(
Too many real articles; no space for it.

Friday, February 27, 2009

I made a sudoku puzzle!

So, I tried my hand at creating a sudoku puzzle. This should be pretty easy!

The solution!

MOHOS #1: Coming Out!

The first comic of Mohos has premiered in the school newspaper. This was it!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009


Hello. My name is Cookie Bonecrusher, and I'm an incorrigible trouble maker. I'm a senior with good grades and a double major at my ultra liberal private college; this is my last semester. So, let's see how close I can get to being kicked out this close to graduation!

So, I'm currently gathering up all of my ideas on how to walk the line between playful mischief and open mockery.

Current projects include a comic strip to run in TEH SKOOL PAPAH (premiering this next week) and an onslaught of pranks for April 1rst (so far over 30, unless my crack team of prank-artists decides they want to sleep in on that morning).

I'll act on more really bad ideas as they come up. After all, the way to have an awesome life is to pause when you have a really bad idea. Ask yourself: "Is it feasible?" But define feasible as "physically possible and generally legal." If the laws of science and man allow your bad idea, laws of money and convince should fall by the wayside. It might be painful in the now, but it will prevent you and your life from longterm suckage.

And frankly, with the economy this bad and the world in such a mess, we need all the laughs we can get. And it's not like we have jobs getting in the way of shenanigans! (Speaking of, note to all employers: hire me. THIS is what happens when my hands are idle; you can prevent it! Unless you want to hire a mischiefy type, in which case hire me!).

And now, back to doing impressions of Richard Nixon saying: "The Joker cannot get pregnant."